STEP 7 - BEF Launcher

Titan & Hedgebot Setup


Last Update hace 2 meses

Perform this step INSIDE of your VPS

In this step, you'll be downloading using the BEF Launcher to seamlessly install Titan and the Hedge Bot.

Install The BEF Launcher

Open a web browser and head over to

Click on the "Log In" button in the top-right corner.

Click "Continue".

Log in and gain access to the Leaderboard by inputting your Blue Edge Financial account login credentials (the same credentials you use to log in to your client area at

On the top menu, click on "Downloads".

This will open up a google drive folder with all of the most up-to-date files.

Click on the "BEF Launcher" folder.

Double-click on "Windows Run Time 8.0.exe".

Click the blue "Download" button.

If you get a pop-up like the one below, click on the blue "Download anyway" button.

In your recent downloads (or in your downloads folder), click on Windows Run Time 8.0.exe to begin the install.

Click "Run".

Click "Install".

You can close the window once the installation is complete.

Next, we need to install the BEF Launcher. Head back to the downloads folder by going to and clicking on "Downloads" in the top bar.

Click on the "BEF Launcher" folder.

Click on "BEFLauncher Installer.msi".

Click on the blue "Download" button and then the blue "Download anyway" button.

In your recent downloads (or in your downloads folder), click on BEFLauncher Installer.msi to begin the install.

Click "Run".

The BEF Launcher will install and should appear on your desktop like in the image below.

Install Titan & Strategies On Challenge MT5

Navigate to your challenge MT5 (ie Alpari, Virtual Markets, FTMO, etc).

In the top menu, click on "Tools" and then "Options".

Click on the "Expert Advisors" tab.

Check the 3 boxes as seen in the image below.

Add the two URL's as seen below. Be sure to copy and paste these URL's so they are exactly the same as the image:

Click "OK" once finished.

Next, head over to

Log in to the Leaderboard so you can see all of the strategies. 

Choosing Strategies

You can watch an overview of the leaderboard and what everything means on the leaderboard by watching this video.

Choose any strategy that follows the criteria under "Strategy Criteria" outlined here.

For example, in the image below, you could choose any of the strategies boxed in red because they meet the above criteria.

We suggest choosing at least 3 different strategies.

Once you choose your strategies, click on the download button to download the strategies.

This will pull up the interface below.

Account Size: Choose the correct size based on the challenge you purchased.

Stage: If this is the first phase, choose "Challenge". If you have already moved on to the verification stage or post-funded, choose those.

Max Loss: This will depend on your prop firm. Most prop firms either have an 8% or 10% max loss limit on the account. This is the total amount you can lose before failing the challenge. Adjust this according to your prop firm's rules.

Profit Target: This will depend on your prop firm. Most prop firms either have an 8% or 10% profit target on the account. This is the total amount you need to profit in order to pass the phase. Adjust this according to your prop firm's rules.

Order Comment: For the order comment, we suggest putting the name of the strategy.

Click on "Set" to download the file.

Repeat this for all 3+ strategies you have chosen.

Double click on the BEF Launcher Icon on your Desktop.

Click on the dropdown menu and select your challenge MT5 (ie Virtual Markets, FTMO, Alpari (for MatchTrader/TradeLocker challenges), etc). This is where we are going to install Titan and the strategies you chose.

Click on "Multi Strategy".

Toggle "Allow Algo Trading" to OFF. This is important so that your challenge doesn't start before everything is set up.

Type in the email associated with your Blue Edge Financial account.

Type in the chart symbol of the strategies you are running. Make sure to add any prefix or suffix if your broker has one.

Click on "Drop your strategy files here".

Click on the "Downloads" on the left menu.

Locate the strategies you just downloaded and highlight all of them. You can do this by left-clicking and dragging the mouse over the strategies.

Click "Open" after you have all of your strategies highlighted.

You'll see your strategies loaded.

Click "Continue" to initiate the BEF Launcher.

The BEF Launcher will close and reopen your MT5 and you'll see Titan loaded on a chart with everything ready to go.

If you are using the Heron Copier to copy to MatchTrader, Tradelocker, etc., double-click on the hat in the upper-right corner of your Titan chart.

In the "Inputs" tab, change "Sync with heron copier" to "true" as seen in the image below. Then, click "OK" at the bottom.

You are finished with the Titan installation and you are ready to set up your Hedge Bot!

Install Hedge Bot On Broker Account

In the top menu, click on "Tools" and then "Options".

Click on the "Expert Advisors" tab.

Check the 3 boxes as seen in the image below.

Add the URL as seen below. Be sure to copy and paste the URL so it's exactly the same as the image:

Click "OK" once finished.

Double click on the BEF Launcher Icon on your Desktop.

Select in the dropdown menu on top your PlexyTrade, OX Securities or other broker account you are using to hedge.

Click on "Hedge Bot".

Turn "Allow Algo Trading" ON.

Type in the email associated with your Blue Edge Financial account.

Type in the chart symbol. Make sure to add any prefix or suffix if your broker has one.

Click the blue "Continue" button to initiate the BEF Launcher.

The BEF Launcher will close and reopen your MT5 and you'll see the Hedge Bot loaded on a chart.

Next, we need to configure the Hedge Bot Settings.

Double-click on the little hat in the upper-right corner of the chart.

Click on the "Inputs" tab.

Below are the fields we are going to edit:

Magic Number

This number needs to match the "Magic Number" of your Titan on your challenge MT5 you previously set up. In the example below, it would be 4940.


If you're using PlexyTrade you can ignore these fields.

If you are using a different broker and your broker's currency pairs have a prefix or suffix, input that here. For example, if the pair XAUUSD is XAUUSD.r on your broker, put ".r" in the suffix field. If using OX Securities, you will notice some account types use .PRO as the suffix.

Recover Amount ($)

Your recover amount should be equal to the cost of your challenge you purchased OR a greater amount if you are using the over-hedging strategy.

Max Loss Limit ($)

This will depend on your prop firm. Most prop firms either have an 8% or 10% max loss limit on the account. This is the total amount you can lose before failing the challenge. Input the max loss limit based on your prop firm's rules.

Challenge Account Size ($)

Put your challenge size. For example, 100000 for a 100k challenge.

The rest of the fields in the Hedgebot inputs can be left alone.

Click "OK" when you have filled in the fields above.

You should see a green checkmark appear in the Hedgebot interface. This means that the Hedgebot has successfully connected to your challenge MT5 account and is ready hedge.

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