STEP 2 - Purchase A VPS


Last Update 8 gün önce

The next step is to purchase a VPS. A VPS or Virtual Private Server will allow you to run Titan 24/5 so that it can open and close trades at all times.

When it comes to choosing a trusted VPS, we have used MyForexVPS for years now. We have had no issues with them and they are our preferred VPS provider. They also accept a debit or credit card for recurring billing.

Recently, we introduced a VPS company named Hyonix - Hyonix is more cost effective, but is a newer company. We haven't seen any issues with them, so we have added them as a second option for those that are more price sensitive.

You are welcome to choose between either of these two VPS companies. Follow the instructions below to either purchase from MyForexVPS or Hyonix. Then, continue on to learn how to enter into your VPS via Mac or Windows.

Note: Be sure to purchase a VPS with Windows version 2019 or later.


1. Visit the MyForexVPS Website

If you chose MyForexVPS as your VPS provider, then the first step is to visit the MyForexVPS website. Click here to visit the website. Once you click the link, you’ll be directed to the checkout page where you can select your VPS plan.

2. Choose the Right VPS Plan

MyForexVPS offers various VPS plans. You'll notice there are VPS's in different locations like Amsterdam, London, and New York. For location of the VPS, choose a VPS that is in your same country if you can. If you can't, then the location of the VPS doesn't matter.

The main thing you want to look at is the VPS Specifications.

Boxed in red below, you can see it "2 cores". Choose a VPS with 2 Cores or higher. Do NOT choose a 1 Core VPS.

A 2 Core VPS will allow you to run around 2-3 challenges at the same time before the VPS starts to get overloaded. You can always upgrade your VPS later once you have scaled up to more challenges. You are also welcome to purchase a 3 Core or 4 Core VPS right off the bat if you plan on scaling quicker. 

Once you have chosen a VPS, click on the green "Order Now" button. 

3. Select Your Plan and Billing Cycle

Next, you'll be prompted to select a billing cycle. You can choose between:

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-annually
  • Annually

Once you have selected your billing cycle, click on the green "Continue" button.

4. Apply a Promo Code

On the next page, you’ll have the opportunity to enter a promo code. It may already be automatically applied. The current promo code is MFX20 for 20% off. Promo codes are subject to change. Contact live chat support for the current code if that one doesn't work. 

Once you enter the promo code, click "Validate Code". If successful, you’ll receive a 15% recurring discount.

5. Checkout and Payment

After applying the promo code, scroll down to proceed to checkout. Here, you'll need to:

  • Enter your payment details.
  • Agree to the terms of service.
  • Click the green "Checkout" button to complete the purchase.

6. Receive Your VPS Login Information

After completing the checkout process, you’ll receive an email from MyForexVPS containing your VPS login information. This will include:

  • IP address
  • Username (usually "Administrator")
  • Password

This information will allow you to log into your VPS. We will go over how to do that below.


1. Visit the Hyonix Website

If you chose Hyonix as your VPS provider, then visit the Hyonix website at Once you’re on the website, scroll down to view the Pricing section and view the available VPS plans.

2. Select a VPS Plan

From the pricing page, choose the plan that fits your needs. Boxed in red below, you can see it says "4 vCore". Choose a VPS with 4 vCore or higher. Do NOT choose a VPS with 1 or 2. vCore.

A 4 vCore VPS will allow you to run around 2-3 challenges at the same time before the VPS starts to get overloaded. You can always upgrade your VPS later once you have scaled up to more challenges. You are also welcome to purchase a 6 vCore or 8 vCore VPS right off the bat if you plan on scaling quicker.

Once you have chosen a VPS, click on the red "Sign Up" button.

3. Create An Account

On the next page, fill out your information to create an account with Hyonix. Follow the prompts to log into your Hyonix account.

4. Place a New Order

Once logged into your Hyonix account, follow these steps to place a new order for your VPS:

1. Click on the blue "New Order" button in the upper-right corner.

2. Select the location. Some locations may have limited VPS's available. Usually New York or Chicago have a lot of VPS's open.

3. Windows 2019 Licensed should be selected in the third step.

4. When choosing a package, DO NOT select the HS-1 or HS-2 package. Opt for an HS-3 with a 4 vCore or higher.

5. Choose a billing cycle.

6. Name your VPS - I would name it something like "4CORE" to help you remember what size VPS you purchased. 

7. Under "Coupon Code", type in "BEF" for a 10% recurring discount. Click on the green "Apply" button to apply the code.

8. Finally, hit the blue "Checkout" button to proceed. 

9. Under "Payment Method", select "Credit/Debit Cards".

10. Click on "Pay Now"

5. Receive VPS Login Information

After completing your purchase, you will receive an email from Hyonix confirming that your server has been activated. The email will contain the necessary login details, including:

  • IP address
  • Username
  • Password

This information will allow you to log into your VPS. We will go over how to do that below.

Enter Your VPS Using A Mac

In this step, you will learn how to actually enter into your VPS.

The first thing to do is to navigate to the App Store. 

Search for "Windows App" in the search bar. Click on "Open" (yours will say "Get").

Once you have downloaded the "Windows App", click on the "+" button and select "Add PC".

Next, you need the information from your VPS provider. You should have received an email after you purchased your VPS with the following information:

IP Address



Once you have found this information, the first thing you are going to do is copy and paste the IP Address into the field that says "PC Name". 

Next, click on the dropdown next to "User Account". Select "Add User Account...".

Copy and paste the Username of your VPS (generally "Administrator").

Copy and paste the Password for your VPS.

Click on "Add" when done.

In the "Friendly Name" field, name your VPS. I like to name mine by the number of cores/CPU it has (ie 4 Core VPS). After you name your VPS, click on the "Add" button.

You should now see your VPS on the home screen like in the image below.

To enter the VPS, double click on it. When you see this pop-up, click on "Continue".

You should now be inside of your VPS! You can move on to the next step inside of your VPS!

Enter Your VPS Using A Windows PC

In this step, you will learn how to actually enter into your VPS.

First, click on the Windows Icon in the bottom-right. Click on "Remote Desktop". If you don't see it, search for "Remote Desktop" in the search bar.

Click on "Show Options".

In the field next to "Computer", copy and paste the IP Address from the information you received in the email from your VPS provider.

In the field next to "Username", copy and paste the Username from the information you received in the email from your VPS provider (generally is "Administrator")

Check the box "Allow me to save credentials".

Next, click on "Save As...".

Select your desktop on the left so that you can save your VPS to your desktop for easy access. 

Name your VPS. You can name it something like "4 Core VPS" or something to remember the VPS by. Click on "Save".

Click "Continue". 

On the next pop-up, check the box "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer". Then click on "Continue".

In the field "Password", copy and paste the Password from the information you received in the email from your VPS provider. Then click "OK".

You should now be connected to your VPS and have easy access to your VPS from the saved icon on your desktop! In the next steps, we will do everything inside of the VPS.

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