STEP 5 - Deposit To Your Broker Account
Last Update 4 bulan yang lalu
If your KYC at your broker has been approved, continue on with this step.
If your KYC has still not been approved, you can skip this step for now and come back once it is approved.
The first step is to decide on how much you need to deposit to your broker account. You can use the calculator here, or to keep things simple, you can simply deposit three times the cost of the challenge you purchased (ie if you purchased a challenge for $400, you would deposit $1,200 ($400 x 3).
Follow the instructions below on how to to deposit for either PlexyTrade or OX Securities.
Deposit To PlexyTrade
Step 1: Initiate the Deposit in PlexyTrade
- Log in to your PlexyTrade dashboard.
- Click on the "Deposit" button.
- You’ll see two options. Choose Crypto.
- A note will appear stating that the minimum deposit amount is 30 USD. Make sure to deposit at least 30 USD to avoid any refund issues.

Click on "Crypto". Then, select "USDT (Tether)".
*Note - If you select another crypto like BTC, it can take much longer to hit the account, so we suggest USDT.

Select either ERC20 or TRC20 depending on which network you want to use. We'll select TRC20 in this example. Click on "Create address".

This will generate a unique crypto address for you to deposit to. There is a "copy button" for you to copy the address.
Next, head over to your crypto wallet. Each crypto platform will look a little different, but you will want to withdraw/transfer/send the USDT in your crypto wallet to the unique address that you just generated.

Once you have successfully withdrawn the USDT to the unique crypto address, the USDT should deposit within about 5 minutes. It will show up in your wallet on the main dashboard like in the image below.

When the money is in your PlexyTrade wallet, hover over it and click on "Internal Transfer".
This will bring you to the Transfer Page like the example image below.
You want to transfer the funds from your wallet to the MT5 account. Select the MT5 account (in the example below MT5 3017527 is selected). Enter the amount you wish to transfer (in the example below we are transferring the full $643.56). Finally, click on the green "Transfer" button.

You'll see your Wallet go down by the amount your transferred and your MT5 account go up by the amount your transferred.

The money is now in your MT5 account and you are ready to move on to the next step!
Deposit To OX Securities
On the main dashboard, click on "Deposit".

Click on the dropdown menu and select your MT5. Then click on "Bank Transfer".
*Note - If you live outside of the USA, you'll have the "Worldpay" option you see below. You can very easily deposit by selecting this option and pay via debit or credit card. If you live inside of the USA, you will not have this option and must do a bank transfer.
Click on the blue "Continue" button.

Click on the dropdown menu and select "US Dollar (USD)".
Type in the amount you want to deposit ($1,500 in the example below).
Finally, click on where it says "ACH" to retrieve the information you need to wire the money to your account. You'll see the account holder name, routing number, account number, bank name, and bank address. This is the information your bank will need to initiate the wire to your account.
Boxed in blue in the image below you'll see a Transfer Reference Number. Please include this with your wire as well.
You may now proceed with wiring the money to your account via your online banking or at a branch in person.
*Note - Some banks will ask you to go in person to a branch to make this wire because they are unfamiliar with the receiver (OX Securities).
Once you have sent the wire, upload the proof at the bottom of the screen and hit the blue "Submit" button to submit the transaction.

Your funds should arrive in about a day after you wire the money!