STEP 4 - Purchase The Heron Copier

United States Residents ONLY


Last Update 4 months ago

The Heron Copier is a trade copier that will be used to copy from MT5 to Matchtrader. If you are international and you selected "MT5" when you purchased your E8 challenge, you can skip this step since you will be able to trade Titan directly on your MT5 challenge.

If you reside in the United States and purchased a Matchtrader challenge from E8, follow the steps below to purchase the Heron Copier.

Make sure to continue this step inside of your VPS! Simply enter your VPS, and open a web browser to continue.

Go to

Scroll down to the Pricing section.

Heron Copier offers several payment options:

  • Monthly: Pay for one month at a time.
  • Three Months: Pay for a three-month subscription.
  • Annual: Pay for a full year in advance.

Note: You only need one Heron Copier license for an unlimited number of accounts. You don’t have to purchase multiple copiers for different challenges.

After you select your plan, apply the promo code "BLUEEDGE" to get 20% off. 

Fill out the rest of your contact and payment info, review the terms and conditions, and click the blue "Subscribe" button.

After completing your purchase, you will receive two emails:

  • Receipt Email: Confirmation of your payment.
  • License Key Email: This email contains your Heron Copier License Key, which is a long code required for activating the copier.

Important: Keep the license key email safe, as you'll need the code in future steps to activate your Heron Copier.

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