How Do I Install the MTP
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In this guide, we will walk through the steps to download and install the MTP from Blue Edge Financial. This process can be completed from either your personal computer or directly on a VPS.
1. Accessing the Blue Edge Financial Leaderboard
- Open a web browser and search for
- It is recommended to do this from your VPS because the MTP will need to be installed there eventually. However, you can start from your personal computer and later transfer the files to your VPS.
2. Log Into Your Blue Edge Financial Account
- Once on the leaderboard page, click on the 'Log In' button (if you are not already logged in).
- Enter your login credentials for BlueEdge Financial.
3. Download the MTP
- After logging in, locate the 'Download' button on the site.
- Click 'Download MTP' to initiate the download.
4. Transfer the MTP to Your VPS (If Downloaded on a Personal Computer)
- If you downloaded the MTP on your personal computer, you will need to copy and paste the MTP file to your VPS.
- Access your VPS and paste the file in a location where it is easily accessible.
5. Install the MTP on the VPS
- Now that the file is on your VPS, double-click the file to begin installation.
- If you see a prompt or error message (such as a sound warning), just click 'Yes' to proceed with the installation.
- The installation should complete, and you’ll find the MTP file in your Downloads folder on your VPS.
6. Run and Set Up the MTP
- Once the installation is done, go to the Downloads folder, locate the MTP file, and double-click it to run.
- Click 'Install', then 'Close' once the installation completes.
7. Log Into the MTP with Your BlueEdge Credentials
- When the MTP is running, it will prompt you to enter your email.
- Use the same email address you used when signing up for BlueEdge Financial.
8. Navigate the MTP Dashboard
- After logging in, you should see the MTP dashboard, which allows you to:
- Select different brokers,
- Choose between various timeframes,
- Set dates for backtesting your strategies.
With the MTP installed, you can now begin backtesting your trading strategies without any issues. Make sure to use the correct email for access and ensure the tool is installed on your VPS for optimal performance.
Video Tutorial
To see a detailed walkthrough of this process, watch the video tutorial below: