My Live Account Progress and Prop Account Progress Don’t Match


Last Update před 4 měsíci


If you're noticing a discrepancy between your challenge account and your hedge account, it's important to understand the reasons why this might happen. This guide will help you identify possible causes and solutions for discrepancies.

Understanding Discrepancies

  • Discrepancies are normal: There will always be some discrepancy between your challenge and hedge account due to factors like commissions, spreads, and slippage. The hedge will never be 100% accurate. We aim to recover about 85% to 90% of your challenge fee.
    • For example, if your challenge fee is $500, we would aim to recover around $450 (90%). Anything within 15% is considered acceptable.

Possible Causes for Valid Discrepancies

  1. Hedge Bot Settings

    • Check that the settings for the hedge bot are correctly configured:
      • Ensure that Hedge Unreal Account is set to true.
      • If you're using a broker with a suffix (e.g., .R for FXYMT5), make sure to input the suffix correctly.
      • If there is no suffix, leave this setting blank.
  2. Recovery Amount

    • The recovery amount should match the fee you paid for the challenge.
      • For Phase 1, set the recovery amount to the challenge fee (e.g., $500).
      • For Phase 2, the recovery amount is the challenge fee plus any loss on the hedge from Phase 1.
      • The same logic applies for a funded account's first payout—add any previous hedge losses to the challenge fee to calculate the recovery amount.
  3. Max Loss Limit

    • Set the Max Loss Limit according to your challenge's maximum loss:
      • For example, a $100k account may have a max loss limit of $8,000.
      • For a $50k account, reduce this accordingly to $4,000.

Monitoring Trades

  • To verify if the hedge bot is working correctly:
    • Compare the trades on the challenge and hedge accounts.
    • Ensure that when one account opens a position (e.g., a buy), the other account opens a corresponding position (e.g., a sell).
    • Check that the open and close times for trades match between the two accounts.

Connectivity Issues

  • If trades are not being copied over to the hedge account, it may be due to a connectivity issue.
    • Ensure that the hedge bot is properly connected by checking for a green tick next to the account number.
    • If you see a red icon, the hedge bot is not connected, and trades will not be copied.

Positive Discrepancies

  • A positive discrepancy occurs when the hedge performs better than expected:
    • For example, if the challenge is down 25% but the hedge is up 40%, this is not a cause for concern—it simply means the hedge bot is working better than expected.

What to Do If There's a Large Discrepancy

  • If you notice a negative discrepancy of over 20%:
    • Allow the challenge to run its course. The hedge bot recalculates lot sizes based on the performance of the challenge.
    • If by the end of the challenge the discrepancy remains over 20%, contact technical support to investigate further. Tech support may involve the developers to identify potential issues.


Discrepancies are a natural part of the challenge and hedge account interaction due to factors like spreads and commissions. Ensuring your hedge bot is set up correctly and monitoring the trades will help mitigate major issues. If you encounter a significant discrepancy, contact tech support for assistance.

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