How to Save .set Files for Trade Copiers


Last Update 4 months ago


Here's a quick guide on how I keep all my set files organized to avoid constantly copying and pasting credentials whenever I need to load a new terminal.

Step 1: Master Side Setup (Heron Copier)

  • Go to the properties of the Heron Copier on the master side. For example, in my case, I have it running for Blue Guardian.
  • My license key and address (which is unique) are already entered.
  • After entering the details, I simply click Save, and save the Master Set for the Heron copier (e.g., "Heron Master").
  • Now, when I open a new master terminal, my license key is already loaded. I can just change the prop firm name, click Load (to load the Heron Master set), and everything is good to go.

Step 2: Slave Side Setup

  • For the slave copier, after opening a new slave terminal, I click Load and select the set file for the particular firm (e.g., Blue Guardian).
  • This auto-fills all the details for me.
  • All I need to do is adjust the server address to match the master account and change the identifier if necessary. But I don’t usually need to do that because I already have a set file saved for every firm I use.

Step 3: Titan Copier Setup

  • With Titan, I sometimes save the default set file with just my email in it to save me the extra step of entering it every time.

Step 4: HedgeBot Setup

  • The same can be done for the HedgeBot. If you have default settings you regularly use, save that set file as well. For example, I have a set file named Hedge 1.26 or Hedge 1.30, which I use for testing.

By keeping set files saved for each copier and firm, I avoid having to manually copy and paste all the details every time I load a new challenge or setup.

Hope this helps streamline your process!

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