My Backtest Results Do Not Match My Live Trading Results


Last Update 4달 전


This guide will help you verify if the trades taken during a trading challenge align with the trades that should have been placed according to the backtest results. This is useful for ensuring that your strategy is performing as expected, and there are no discrepancies.

1. Review the Trades on Your Account

Let’s assume today is August 1st and you’ve been trading for a week. The first step is to compare the trades taken on your account with the backtest results to see if they align.

  1. Look at the trades placed in your account over the past week. For example:

    • Trades placed on specific dates such as July 9th and July 8th.
  2. These trades should be compared to the backtest results. If the backtest results match, you can be confident that the trades are aligned with the strategy. If there are differences, it could indicate that something is wrong.

2. Open the Strategy Tester in MT5

  1. In your MT5 terminal, open the Strategy Tester:
    • Navigate to View and select Strategy Tester. If the tester is already open, this will minimize it, so just click again to reopen it.
  2. Once the Strategy Tester is open, load the strategy you wish to test.

3. Load Your Strategy in the Tester

  1. Select any strategy you want to review, for example, Pig Hero.
    • Go to the Inputs tab to confirm that the strategy has been loaded correctly.

4. Set the Date Range for Your Challenge

  1. Set the date range for the backtest:
    • For example, if you started your challenge on June 12th, set the start date to June 12th and the end date to July 10th (or whatever the current date is).
  2. Once the date range is set, click Start to begin running the backtest.

5. Check the Backtest Results

  1. Once the backtest is complete, go to the Graph section to see an overview of the backtest.
  2. Right-click on the backtest and select Deals to view the individual trades placed during the backtest.

6. Compare Backtest Trades with Your Account

  1. In the Deals section, you will see all the trades placed during the backtest, including the specific dates of each trade.
    • For example, trades on June 12th, June 13th, June 14th, June 15th, and so on.
  2. Cross-reference these trades with the trades placed on your live account during the same period.
    • If your account did not place a trade on a specific day when the backtest shows a trade, it could indicate a problem.


By following these steps, you can verify whether the trades placed during your challenge match the backtest results. If discrepancies are found, reach out to our live chat support.

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